what is favicon

What Is Favicon? Importance And Best Practices

When browsing the internet, have you noticed those tiny icons next to website names on browser tabs? These little icons are called favicons and hold significant importance in the digital world. This article will delve into what a favicon is, its importance, size guidelines, and best practices associated with favicons.

Favicon Definition

Favicons, short for “favorites icons,” are small icons associated with a website, typically displayed in browser tabs, bookmarks, and history lists.

They serve as a visual representation of a website’s brand identity, often featuring a shrunken version of the website’s logo or an emblematic symbol.

Importance of Favicon

Favicons hold several key advantages for website owners and users alike:

Brand Identity

Favicons contribute to establishing and reinforcing a brand’s identity, aiding in differentiation and recognition in competitive online environments.

Bookmark Identification

They assist users in quickly identifying and locating bookmarked websites, facilitating easy navigation and revisits.

Improved UX

Favicons enhance user experience by adding a professional touch to website tabs and instilling a sense of credibility and trustworthiness.

SEO Benefits

While not a direct ranking factor, compelling favicons can potentially improve click-through rates and user engagement, indirectly benefiting SEO efforts.

Reputation and Credibility

A well-crafted favicon reflects professionalism and authenticity, positively impacting the perception of a website and its brand among visitors.

Favicon Formatting

Favicons can be created using various file formats, including:

Windows ICO

Commonly used for favicons, ICO files offer compatibility across different platforms and browsers.


High-quality PNG files are suitable for transparent favicons and retain their clarity even at small sizes.


Scalable Vector Graphics are versatile and support dynamic resizing, making them ideal for responsive web design.


Animated formats like GIF and APNG enable dynamic favicon designs, adding an interactive element to the browsing experience.


While less commonly used due to potential quality loss, JPG files can still be utilized for static favicons.

Favicon Size Guidelines

Favicons come in various sizes to accommodate different display contexts:

  • 16×16 pixels: Standard size for browser tabs and bookmarks, ensuring widespread compatibility.
  • 32×32 pixels: Ideal for taskbar icons and higher-resolution displays, offering improved clarity.
  • 72×72 pixels: Recommended for mobile devices and tablets to ensure optimal visual representation.
  • 96×96 pixels: Suitable for larger screens and Google TV platforms, preventing distortion.
  • 114×114 pixels: Optimized for Apple devices with retina displays, maintaining sharpness and detail.
  • 128×128 pixels: Preferred size for Google Chrome Web Store icons, maximizing visibility.
  • 195×195 pixels: Rarely used but compatible with Opera browser settings, catering to specific preferences.

How to Make a Favicon?

Creating a favicon is a straightforward process:

  1. Choose an appropriate image for your favicon, considering brand elements and visual clarity.
  2. Determine the intended display contexts to select the optimal file type and size.
  3. Create or convert the chosen image into a favicon format such as ICO, PNG, SVG, or GIF.
  4. Upload the favicon to your website using your web host’s uploading script or third-party tools.
  5. Ensure seamless integration and visibility across different devices and browsers.

Favicon Best Practices

To maximize the effectiveness of your favicon, adhere to these best practices:

Ensure it’s recognizable

Design your favicon to be easily identifiable, even at a glance. Opt for a simplified version of your logo for better visibility in the favicon’s small size.

Keep it simple

Avoid intricate designs or text, especially for smaller favicons, to maintain clarity and effectiveness.

Focus on branding

Ensure your favicon reflects your brand’s identity and resonates with your audience, aligning with your overall brand style.

Use a transparent background

Opt for a transparent logo to create your favicon, enhancing its versatility and ensuring it blends seamlessly with various backgrounds across different platforms.

In a Nutshell

Favicons serve as an important component of website branding and user experience. By understanding the importance and best practices associated with favicons, website owners can effectively leave a lasting impression on visitors.

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